Sabtu, 21 Januari 2012

3 tahun bareng kalian :')

canda tawa kita bareng bareng,,ya segala masalah internal maupun eksternal kita bisa temukan jalan keluarnya bareng,,mulai dari masalah guru yang gamau masuk kelas gara" hal yg menurut gw sepele,terus masalah didalem kls yang setiap harinya gapernah bisa tenang :D ya walaupun menjengkelkan tapi pasti KITA semua bakal KANGEN dengan MASA MASA INI :").
kita ya sebentar lagi berpisah ,tapi inget itu hanya raga kita aja,,ya Insya Allah hati kita gakan saling melupakan...CLASSIC selalu inget ya masa sama kita ini...
segala problem yg kita adepin jangan menjadikan kita TERPECAH yah...kita bisa adepin itu bareng bareng..
keep smile,spirit and GO FIGHTING FOR UN =))
love you CLASSIC...

sorry ini gambar gambar gw ambilin dri fb" kalian,,muehehehehe :p

ini yg b'2  gw ama ketua kelas yg pling badeg :D

5 pengurus kelas,ridho :KM elsa :pengabsen isti :seksi kebersihan gw(vina) :bendahara 'n' norma :wakil KM

UDAH AH CAPEK UPLOAD'A,,masi banyak padahal =.= muehehehehe..bubay :*


                                                                    aktivitas pagi hari
                                                           senyum pagi,,semoga dpat rezeki :D
semangat,,kerja keras !
gotong royong masih blm luntur...

sampah masih saja ada -,-

Senin, 09 Januari 2012

vanilla twilight ~ owl city

The stars lean down to kiss you
And I lie awake and miss you
Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere

'Cause I'll doze off safe and soundly
But I'll miss your arms around me
I'd send a postcard to you, dear
'Cause I wish you were here

I'll watch the night turn light-blue
But it's not the same without you
Because it takes two to whisper quietly

The silence isn't so bad
'Til I look at my hands and feel sad
'Cause the spaces between my fingers
Are right where yours fit perfectly

I'll find repose in new ways
Though I haven't slept in two days
'Cause cold nostalgia
Chills me to the bone

But drenched in vanilla twilight
I'll sit on the front porch all night
Waist-deep in thought because
When I think of you I don't feel so alone

I don't feel so alone, I don't feel so alone

As many times as I blink
I'll think of you tonight
I'll think of you tonight

When violet eyes get brighter
And heavy wings grow lighter
I'll taste the sky and feel alive again

And I'll forget the world that I knew
But I swear I won't forget you
Oh, if my voice could reach
Back through the past
I'd whisper in your ear
Oh darling, I wish you were here

Before We Die >>heavy metal music

Hometown: Bandung - Cirebon, ID
Genres: Metal / Post Death Hardcore / Screamo

Started from the similar vision then we try to re unite the spirit of our music movements from the vacuum situations when our bassist left from the band, formed with name "As I Revenger" who have been fell apart because difference mission to build hard lines of each our music taste's, and now we've been inevitable broken. just left 3 remain of member. come with fresh wind Ruddy mayardi has joined as a drummer. so now we've got a new formation which is Anas as a Screamer, Wildan as Guitar Vocal, Reza as a Lead Guitar and Ruddy as a drummer. one place left for bassist who hasn't filled. we feel alive now since our band have been rename into "BEFORE WE DIE".
Before We Die is actually inspired by a film which is there one scene when one of the cast said "Pray Before We Die" , well spontaniously we think that we do have to use this words into our band's name. then yess we use that word became "Before We Die" which means as long as we live in this world we’d like to try to make something different for independent music industry. We’re so dying to be hardcore lovers who wants to represent our attitude into the heavy metal music. With the lyrics that is totally critical about life problematics we would like to pour down our emotional sense into brutally hardcore vision. we want to give our music creation and our apreciation for indie music scene especially indonesia independent hardcore metal music movements. well now the fixed formation of the band is anas as screamer, wildan as guitar/clean voc, reza as leads guitar and ruddy as a drummer. lately Bayu is entering as the member of BWD as a Bassist.

fanspage at facebook in :
and do not forget to download the song in :

thanks before =)

Kamis, 05 Januari 2012

Istilah-Istilah Dalam Internet

  • attachment = lampiran
  • bandwidth = lebar pita
  • broadband = pita lebar, jalur lebar
  • browser = peramban, penjelajah
  • bulletin board = papan buletin
  • chat = obrol, obrolan, rumpi
  • crash = bertabrakan (biasa untuk perangkat lunak/keras bermasalah)
  • collission = tabrakan data
  • connection = sambungan
  • copy = salin, kopi, ganda
  • cut = potong
  • cyberspace = dunia maya
  • database = pangkalan data, basis data
  • delete/del = hapus
  • domain = ranah
  • download = ambil data, unduh, muat turun
  • edit = sunting, ubah
  • e-mail = imel, ratel / surel / surat-e (surat elektronik), posel (pos elektronik), surat digital
  • forward/fwd (e-mail) = terusan
  • homepage = laman
  • hosting = hosting
  • interferensi = gangguan signal (berkaitan dengan signal wireless)
  • install = pasang
  • interface = antarmuka
  • keyword = kata kunci
  • lag = lambat
  • link = taut, kait, pautan, pranala
  • load = muat
  • login / log in / log on / logon = log masuk, masuk log, lihat sign in
  • logout / log out / log off / logoff = log keluar, keluar log, lihat sign out
  • network = jaringan
  • newsgroup = kelompok warta, kelompok diskusi
  • mailing list = milis, senarai, forum ratel
  • network = jaringan
  • networking = jejaring
  • off line = tidak terhubung, terputus, luring (luar jaringan)
  • online / on line = terhubung, tersambung, daring (dalam jaringan)
  • passphrase = frase sandi, kalimat sandi
  • password = kata sandi
  • paste = tempel, rekatkan
  • preview = pratonton, pratilik, pratayang
  • internet service provider = penyelenggara jasa internet
  • save = simpan
  • scan = pindai
  • server = peladen
  • sign in / signin / sign on = catat masuk, lihat login
  • sign out / sign off = catat keluar, lihat logout
  • surfing = berselancar, selancar maya
  • update = pemutakhiran, pembaruan
  • upload = unggah, muat naik
  • username = nama pengguna
  • virtual reality = realitas maya
  • webpage = halaman web
  • website = situs web
  • wireless = nirkabel